Evil Blizzard album news!

Evil Blizzard

Just when we thought it was safe on our streets again the Tories vote in the new Thatcher: Liz (don’t) Truss(t). People may freeze or starve to death, Putin has unleashed his box of frogs on the Ukraine. What could be worse? Yes, you’ve guessed it: The Very Best Of Evil Blizzard! Jesus. How low can you go? Wayne AF Carey unleashes more misery with a press release that will chill you to the bone…

Crackedankles Records is sort of proud to announce the release of ‘The Very Best Of Evil Blizzard’ on vinyl and download released on 1st October. Pre sales are available a week before here.

However Evil Blizzard being Evil Blizzard, it has absolutely no music on it at all. Not even a groove in the vinyl.

“Its a statement on the obsessive nature we all have. As collectors or completists its part of human nature to hoard and desire product, even if it’s unnecessary. We’ve been asked several times to release a compilation and we didn’t see the point – it’s all available on tax dodging streaming sites and the people who buy our records will have the tracks already. So let’s release absolutely nothing, and charge people for the privilege.’

The download features eight tracks of complete silence. The vinyl doesn’t even have that.

The vinyl comes with a limited edition screen printed and spray painted art print by Filthydirty from the band, and also comes with a badge that says ‘I’ve got more money than sense’.

There is, however, one single copy that will be sent at random to one of the first 100 purchasers that features ‘the very best of Evil Blizzard’ on vinyl. As the band couldn’t decide which tracks should go on a compilation, this unique vinyl copy features every single Evil Blizzard song played simultaneously (which is also included as a bonus track on the download, and unsurprisingly sounds awful).

Any profits from the album – if any – will be donated to The Trussell Trust which helps the sadly growing number of Food Banks across the UK.

The band are playing a small amount of gigs in support of the release where they assure us they will actually play ‘music’.

September 11th – Onboard The Craft Festival, Bromsgrove (headline)

October 28th – Tomorrow’s Ghosts Festival, Whitby

November 12th – The Brudenell, Leeds

December 16th – Gorilla, Manchester

Evil Blizzard

Words by Wayne Carey, Reviews Editor for Louder Than War. His author profile is here

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